perks – Partnerships for Emotionally Resilient Kids
PERKS is a free service to licensed or regulated early care and education programs in Allegany, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett and Washington Counties and the families they serve.
A child’s social, emotional and cognitive skills are highly interconnected and are all necessary for school readiness. Unfortunately, many of Maryland’s young children ages 0 to 5 are not developing the emotional and social skills they will need to be successful in school and in life, and statistics show that many children are being involuntarily expelled from child care situations because of challenging behaviors. Resiliency research stresses the importance of a child’s relationship with caring, committed adult. Parents and early childhood educator play a critically important role in the lives of young children.
PERKS helps children, ages birth through five years old, with social, emotional or behavioral issues by:
- Increasing early childhood educator and parent skills to deal with difficult behaviors
- Developing partnerships between parents and early childhood educator
- Offering technical assistance in person, by phone, or e-mail, as needed
- Making appropriate referrals to outside resources
To learn more about Partnerships for Emotionally Resilient Kids (PERKS), please contact us at 301-662-4549. Partnerships for Emotionally Resilient Kids (PERKS) is a service provided by Child Care Choices and funded by the Maryland State Department of Education.
Your donation makes all the difference. Join MHA in building a community where children can grow and thrive without fear, where good mental health is valued, where people of all ages know when and how to seek help for emotional or family problems without shame, and where everyone will have access to mental health services without barriers.
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