Partnering with parents, early childhood professionals, employers and the whole community to help give children a strong start
A program providing comprehensive solutions for new and existing early childhood professionals offered at low or no cost. Child Care Choices works to ensure that children have developmentally appropriate learning environments and that early childhood educators have the resources and support they need to ensure each child’s success. We work with parents and educators when children display behavioral issues in preschool or child care and provide resources, events and workshops and activities to educate and engage families, early childhood educators and children.
Visit and Like the Child Care Choices Facebook Page
Our Professional Staff Can Help Early Childhood Educators and Child Care Providers:
Training and Professional Development—for all of your professional development needs, we offer training at our site, your site, and online
Technical Assistance and Business Solutions—whether it’s a quick question or support in achieving your long term goals, our knowledgeable staff is available to assist you
Frequently Requested Information and Resources
Partnerships for Emotionally Resilient Kids (PERKS)—helps to develop resilient children, ages birth through five years old enrolled in an early education environment, by offering on-site assistance to child care providers, as well as parent trainings.
LOCATE: Child Care—promote your business or search for regulated child care
Growing Opportunities for Family Child Care (GOFCC)—a unique program which provides intense and targeted training, coaching, and resources to support interested individuals in opening a family child care business
Resource Room and Library—access to a library of early care and education materials, MSDE Approved Curricula, and equipment for use in your business
Child Care Choices (Main Office):
226 South Jefferson Street, Frederick, MD 21701
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Click here for map/directions
The Child Care Choices, a program of the Mental Health Association, is a member of the Maryland Child Care Resource Network with funding from the Maryland State Department of Education through Maryland Family Network.
Your donation makes all the difference. Join MHA in building a community where children can grow and thrive without fear, where good mental health is valued, where people of all ages know when and how to seek help for emotional or family problems without shame, and where everyone will have access to mental health services without barriers.
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