Child Care Choices offers information and technical assistance regarding starting, expanding, and/or operating a child care center or family child care home. We offer assistance with MSDE Quality Initiatives such as Maryland EXCELS and program accreditation. We also offer assistance with completing your CDA, including your portfolio & PD Specialist for your verification visit.
In addition, technical assistance at Child Care Choices encompasses a standard core of services to include: licensing and compliance issues, behavioral issues, and children with special needs. Educators experiencing these types of issues in their programs, or having questions regarding any of these three areas, are encouraged to contact us.
Child Care Choices technical assistance services are available to existing and potential providers (family child care and center-based), Head Start programs, pre-schools, community and non-profit organizations, employers, and public agencies committed to expanding child care resources.
For additional information on services and resources available, please contact us at 301-662-4549. You can also browse our list of frequently requested information and resources.
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