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visitation and transfer services

Providing a safe, neutral location for a parent and child to develop, renew, or sustain a healthy relationships.

Visitation, transfer and/or coaching is often requested by the courts or by the Department of Social Services in cases where there has been family conflict, a history of family violence, child abuse or neglect, substance abuse, or other factors that put children at risk. Services are available to families with a court order, or without one if all parties agree to the conditions of the program.

THERAPEUTIC SUPERVISED VISITATION – Creates a safe place for the child and visiting parent to meet, play, talk and focus any concerns about the relationship;  to help the child become more comfortable with the visiting parent and support the visiting parent to have age appropriate expectations of the child;  visitation facilitated by a licensed clinician

SUPERVISED VISITATION – Center based visits where trained staff and an on-site security guard are present to observe the interactions between child and parent.  Staff ensures that conversations and interactions are safe and appropriate in a neutral manner.

MONITORED VISITATION – A less-intense form of supervision, visiting parents and their children are checked on at random intervals during the visit by trained observers.

MONITORED TRANSFERS – Children are escorted from one parent to another by visitation staff to facilitate a conflict-free exchange for parents with current custody agreements.

During the Supervised Visitation or Monitored Transfer intake process both residential and visiting parent must meet with the program manager, separately, for an intake interview. During the interview, the client provides information, receives information on policies and procedures, and tours the center.  Staff also establishes required fees and schedules visits or transfers.

Mental Health Association of Frederick County
226 South Jefferson Street, Frederick, MD 21701

Hours of Operation
Thursdays: 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Fridays: 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Sundays: 10:30 am – 6:00 pm

Supervised Visitation – Based on a sliding scale with a maximum of $150 per hour
Monitored Transfer – $7.50 per transfer
Intake Interview – $25 per parent, unless the court indicates one party pay 100%

Additional Information
For more information you can email the Program Manager or call 301-663-0011 x147.

View the Therapeutic Supervised Visitation Handbook (under revision).

View the Visitation Center Parent Handbook for Supervised Visitation and Monitored Supervision

View the Checklist for Fee Waiver Eligibility and the Income Worksheet for Fee Waiver

Find out about volunteer opportunities

Family Support Resources Links
The Supervised Visitation Network
Our Family Wizard
 – reduces divorce conflict between parents by providing a central, secure location to document and share important information about your family. Schedule parenting time, share vital information and manage expenses like un-reimbursed medical.
Maryland Courts – court forms, family law forms, forms index


Your donation makes all the difference. Join MHA in building a community where children can grow and thrive without fear, where good mental health is valued, where people of all ages know when and how to seek help for emotional or family problems without shame, and where everyone will have access to mental health services without barriers.

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