mental health first aid
Sometimes First Aid isn’t a bandage, CPR, administering the Heimlich or calling 9-1-1. Sometimes First Aid is YOU.
Someone you know may be experiencing a mental health crisis and YOU can help. Believe it or not, you are more likely to encounter someone – family, friend, neighbor, co-working – in a mental health crisis than having a heart attack.
Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour, evidence based training course presented by certified Mental Health First Aid USA instructors. It teaches how to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis.
Participants will learn about:
- Risk factors and warning signs of mental health concerns
- Information on depression, anxiety, trauma, psychosis and substance abuse
- A 5-step action plan to help someone who is developing a mental health concern or crisis
- Available evidence-based professional, peer and self-help resources
Who should take these trainings?
- Anyone who might be concerned about family or friends
- Higher education faculty, staff and student leaders
- Emergency service workers
- Educators
- Counselors
- Leaders of the faith community
- Mental health practitioners
- Community volunteers
Sometimes the best first aid is YOU.
Take the course, save a life, strengthen your community.
For more information about attending or hosting training, contact Amy Thompson at 301-663-0011 ex 110.
Your donation makes all the difference. Join MHA in building a community where children can grow and thrive without fear, where good mental health is valued, where people of all ages know when and how to seek help for emotional or family problems without shame, and where everyone will have access to mental health services without barriers.
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